Be Alright

Be Alright

Everything will be alright.
I know that’s hard to believe when things aren’t going right.
Thoughts on your mind, that make it hard to sleep at night.
Nobody seems to understand your pain.
You bottle things up and hide them away.
The pain you try so desperately to hide.
I can see them behind your eyes.
I want you to know that I’m by your side.
I will be your guide to direct you to the light .
No matter how hard things get, you have to fight.
Don’t ever let anyone knock down your pride.
Show them that you're strong.
Stand tall, and cause your demons to fall.
You’ve had some setbacks,
But I know you will make a major comeback.
I will push you to be your absolute best.
I will prove to you that I’m unlike the rest.
I’m here to stay, to show you that pain is only temporary.
That you were born to be legendary.
Find your wings and fly.
Don’t you dare stop until you’ve reached the sky.


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